


問1 現代人(現生人類)が地球上に出現してから約20万年のうちの大半において,人間は狩猟採集を営みあちこち移動したが,農業革命に伴い家族単位で定住するようになり,都市の発展の礎を築いたのは,約1万2000年前という比較的最近のことであるから。

問2 我々の感情や本能は,狩猟採集者の生活様式に適合していて,より安定した農業工業型の生活に適合しているわけではない。

問3 (A)  

問4 (C)  

問5 (B)  

問6 (B),(D),(G)

問1 (C)

問2 日本の消費者は刺身の特性は,それが生であるという事実と直接関係しているということを当たり前だと考えている。

問3 for

問4 リンゴを木からもいで食べることより健康的でおいしい食べ方などあり得るのか。

問5 (A)  

問6 (B),(C),(D)

A       According to the passage, a car is inefficient because it has to transport its own weight regardless of

            how many people [the number of people who]   are traveling in it.  If the engine is on, a car also wastes fuel in a traffic jam, no matter   whether it is moving [stationary]   or not.


B       1.    When you are riding a bike, you are exercising your muscles, including your heart.

                 Riding a bicycle gives you some exercise.

  1. Riding a bike enables you to get away from the stress and anger caused by traffic jams.

                 We don’t have to sit angrily in a car in a traffic jam.


C                  Cycling to work in cities would not be as efficient as the author suggests.  First, if many commuters gave up driving to work, there would be more bikes on the roads, which led to traffic jams, as in cars today.  As a result, it would take as much time to get to work as ever, and people would still feel stressed.  Moreover, it is better to take public transport than to ride bikes.  Most cities have cheap, efficient public transport systems.  In a city, buses and trains are usually the fastest and most convenient way to travel, whatever the weather or the traffic may be.  Therefore, when you can use such good ways of commuting, how come you would choose not to?  For these reasons, I do not think that riding bicycles to work is more efficient.

  1. (D) 2.    (D)                3.    (C)                 4     (B)                 5.    (D)                6.    (C)
  2. (A) 8.    (B)                 9.    (A)                10.  (A)                11.  (C)                 12.  (C)