問1 D
問2 気候変動が人の健康に与える様々な悪影響。(20字)
問3 what
問4 熱波は,ハリケーン,地震,その他の災害を合わせたよりも多くの人が犠牲となる最も危険な自然災害だと信じられている。
問5 B
問6 1 → 9 → 11 → 4 → 8 → 3
問1 任意の3つの数字を好きなように選んで実験者に見せて,その数字の並びが求めるべき法則に適っているか確認すること。
問2 A, B
問3 (a)-C (b)-E
問4 実際,ディベートが元々持っている認識や考えに疑問を持たせるのではなく,それを強化する可能性がある。
問5 D
問6 (1)-D (2)-D (3)-C (4)-C (5)-A
Question A (While social media can develop our online social skills, it can also lead to a) decline in our face-to-face social skills.
Question B Josh used Instagram and received a lot of encouraging messages from many people, and was able to overcome depression. On the other hand, Mark was attacked on his Facebook page and started to feel so depressed that he attempted to commit suicide once.
Question C Social media is rather beneficial for me. I use Twitter, one of the most popular SNS platforms, mainly to talk with friends from high school. We tweet about everyday, not sophisticated, matters like we do at school. However, this frequent communication does help maintain our good relationships and will do so after graduation. Moreover, the SNS gives me chances to interact with interesting people. The other day, I found a posting on the origin of the English phrase “out-of-left-field”, contacted the sender, and asked him/her further questions. This could not possibly have happened to me before internet age. (98 words)
(1)-P [surprised] (2)-K [instead] (3)-X [referred] (4)-C [characteristics]
(5)-D [separate] (6)-Y [seeing] (7)-J [using] (8)-A [assessed]
(9)-E [less] (10)-S [affect] (11)-Q [difficulty] (12)-B [cultural]