(ア) (1)-b (2)-e (3)-f (4)-c (5)-a
(イ) study of the ways speech sounds are produced to
(A) If you do not speak up, people may take it as a sign that you agree. Suppose you are talking with your friends about what to do this weekend. If your friends suggest several things, but you remain silent, it is natural for them to assume that you do not object to their suggestions, and so they may well make a decision. This is true in many cases, such as casual family discussions, company meetings, and elections. (77 words)
(B) Even those who have doubts assume that it would be difficult to change the political situation, which those in power dominate. It is just for this reason that people who do not have any property devote themselves to working to obtain a piece of land and build a house on it, even if they know it will take a few decades to pay off the mortgage.
(21)−a) (22)−b) (23)−b) (24)−c) (25)−c)
(A) complained
(B) ラマダーンの期間中に空腹の人に食事を提供するための寄付をする余裕がなければ、その代わり、できる範囲で慈善活動をすればよい。
(C) ラマダーンを人生における至高の幸福としている筆者は、幼少の頃から身体的な困難を抱えながらも断食を続けていたが、ラマダーン期間中に渇きを満たすため水を飲んでしまったため、それまで大切にしてきた伝統を破壊する誤ったことをしてしまったと感じたから。
(26)−e) (27)−b) (28)−b) (29)−c) (30)−e) (31)−d) (32)−b)