






① 戦後復興の中で,富裕層の居住区に公営の住宅が建てられるなどして,異なる社会階級の人々が同じ場所に混在するようになったこと。

② 戦後のロンドンで民族的多様性が増したこと。


of (than that of one who only paints pictures)

would (no one would have agreed with him)

talents (having our talents properly appreciated)

have (as poets have defined the expression)

it (have felt it necessary to monitor)

1  Many lawmakers believe it is a good idea to ban all smoking in public in Japan.  Explain why you agree or disagree with this opinion.


   I believe that no one should be allowed to smoke anywhere in Japan.  Nowadays, banning smoking in public is more and more common. For example, more companies are forbidding their employees to smoke even during a break.  One of the reasons for this is that smoking makes people less productive in the workplace. It is natural for companies not to want this to happen to their workers.  In addition, people have become more health-conscious, and therefore now want to live in a healthy environment. Since smoking is harmful not only to smokers but also to those around them, there are more places that ask people to refrain from smoking inside.  Moreover, health problems related to smoking are now becoming a huge financial burden on healthcare services. With these things in mind, banning smoking in public legally will, and should, be more encouraged in the whole country. (146 words)