


(ア)  (1)−f  (2)−b  (3)−c  (4)−d  (5)−g

(イ)  as able to identify the nature of the laughs as fellow Americans



    Thirty years from now, people could travel less often physically, and more in the virtual world.  This would be made possible by the advancement of virtual reality (VR) technology.  For example, using VR systems, people would travel online and get instantly to other places, such as the workplace, school, and even different countries.   Since they could do anything in the virtual world, they would not walk outside or take cars or public transportation as often as they do now.  (79 words)


To be more specific about my interest in history, I felt that I needed to learn more about Europe in order to study how Japan modernized under the influence of European countries.



(21)−(d)  (22)−(a)  (23)−(d)  (24)−(b)  (25)−(b)


(ア)  まさに人生の始めから、食べ物は我々の感情を満たす方法となり、生涯を通して、感情がいつ、何を、どれほど食べるのかに影響する。

(イ)  砂糖の気持ちを落ち着かせる力はまさに人の人生の始めから存在しているようで、生後わずか一日の幼子にも効果があることが示されている。

(ウ)  何をコンフォート・フードに選ぶかは楽しい時と辛い時と、それらと結びつける食べ物に関する固有の記憶で決まる。私にとって心を落ち着けてくれるものは、あなたにとってはそうでないかもしれない。



problems by repeating the kind of behavior that brought us






(ア) (26)−d)  (27)−f)  (28)−a)  (29)−c)  (30)−e)  (31)−b)

